Identity, Power & Integral Change Workshop


Identity, Power & Integral Change is a virtual two-day workshop for people wanting to explore an anti-oppression approach to transformative leadership. Led by Dr. Raúl Quiñones-Rosado, this workshop is based upon consciousness-in-action, an approach to integral change rooted in Pan-American ways of knowing, being and doing, South/North and East/West worldviews, and decades of antiracism organizing and social justice engagement in the United States and Latin America.

This is an advanced training, intended for people steeped in a historical antiracism analysis of oppression. We will share many key conceptual frameworks, cultural worldviews and psychological underpinnings that inform the work of Cambio Integral, and offer an opportunity to explore aspects of an integral liberatory practice.

Through presentations, dialogue, and other activities, participants will expand their understanding of well-being, deepen awareness of power dynamics, explore aspects of identity, examine cultural perspectives, reconsider shared beliefs and group behaviors, and learn practices that foster personal liberation, development and transformation.

Areas to be explored in this workshop include:

• Spheres of Integral Well-Being: Aspects and Dimensions of Knowing, Being & Doing

• Forces That Hinder: The Coloniality of Social & Institutional Power

• Psychocultural Aspects of Social Identity: Self in Dynamic Relationship to Other(s)

• Stages and Dimensions of Human Development & Evolutionary Change 

• Consciousness-in-Action: Integral Practices for Liberation & Transformation


Identity, Power & Integral Change is a virtual two-day workshop for people wanting to explore an anti-oppression approach to transformative leadership. Led by Dr. Raúl Quiñones-Rosado, this workshop is based upon consciousness-in-action, an approach to integral change rooted in Pan-American ways of knowing, being and doing, South/North and East/West worldviews, and decades of antiracism organizing and social justice engagement in the United States and Latin America.

This is an advanced training, intended for people steeped in a historical antiracism analysis of oppression. We will share many key conceptual frameworks, cultural worldviews and psychological underpinnings that inform the work of Cambio Integral, and offer an opportunity to explore aspects of an integral liberatory practice.

Through presentations, dialogue, and other activities, participants will expand their understanding of well-being, deepen awareness of power dynamics, explore aspects of identity, examine cultural perspectives, reconsider shared beliefs and group behaviors, and learn practices that foster personal liberation, development and transformation.

Areas to be explored in this workshop include:

• Spheres of Integral Well-Being: Aspects and Dimensions of Knowing, Being & Doing

• Forces That Hinder: The Coloniality of Social & Institutional Power

• Psychocultural Aspects of Social Identity: Self in Dynamic Relationship to Other(s)

• Stages and Dimensions of Human Development & Evolutionary Change 

• Consciousness-in-Action: Integral Practices for Liberation & Transformation

Identity, Power & Integral Change is a virtual two-day workshop for people wanting to explore an anti-oppression approach to transformative leadership. Led by Dr. Raúl Quiñones-Rosado, this workshop is based upon consciousness-in-action, an approach to integral change rooted in Pan-American ways of knowing, being and doing, South/North and East/West worldviews, and decades of antiracism organizing and social justice engagement in the United States and Latin America.

This is an advanced training, intended for people steeped in a historical antiracism analysis of oppression. We will share many key conceptual frameworks, cultural worldviews and psychological underpinnings that inform the work of Cambio Integral, and offer an opportunity to explore aspects of an integral liberatory practice.

Through presentations, dialogue, and other activities, participants will expand their understanding of well-being, deepen awareness of power dynamics, explore aspects of identity, examine cultural perspectives, reconsider shared beliefs and group behaviors, and learn practices that foster personal liberation, development and transformation.

Areas to be explored in this workshop include:

• Spheres of Integral Well-Being: Aspects and Dimensions of Knowing, Being & Doing

• Forces That Hinder: The Coloniality of Social & Institutional Power

• Psychocultural Aspects of Social Identity: Self in Dynamic Relationship to Other(s)

• Stages and Dimensions of Human Development & Evolutionary Change 

• Consciousness-in-Action: Integral Practices for Liberation & Transformation

November 17 - 18, 2023   •   10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST   •   Zoom