
Publication Date: April 2007 | English

Consciousness-in-Action: Toward an Integral Psychology of Liberation & Transformation

Consciousness-in-Action offers an alternative to prevailing dichotomous thinking and fragmented approaches aimed at personal or societal change which lack a broader, integral view of the whole and its dynamic nature. In so doing, the book emphasizes the impact of multiple, simultaneous oppressions on the integral development of persons, communities and societies, while it also asserts the vital role of social group identity development and other psycho-spiritual developmental processes on the path to liberation and transformation.

Since its publication in 2007, Consciousness-in-Action has become a required reading in academic programs in psychology, counseling, social work, and social justice education in the US and Latin America. The book is also used by political and spiritual activists, community organizers, anti-oppression trainers, integral practitioners and helping professionals, its content has been presented to audiences internationally.

This book highlights principles and practices, and moreover, frameworks and worldviews, that guide the leadership development work of Cambio Integral.

Praise for Consciousness-in-Action:

  • “This is a unique book in its integrative, liberating, and transformative potential. The author does an exquisite job of synergizing personal, spiritual, communal, and social development. Transcending polarities and binaries, he offers us invigorating ways of working with individuals and communities to realize our human and collective potential. By using visual maps and engaging the reader in multiple ways, the author succeeds in connecting with readers passionately and reasonably.”

    Isaac Prilleltensky, PhD, Dean, School of Education, University of Miami; Co-Editor, Critical Psychology, and Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-Being

  • “Raul’s book, Consciousness-in-Action, offers a cutting-edge synthesis of social change theory that opens up the pathway for liberating the oppressive forces at play in our societies while unleashing the transformative power within us all. For the next generation of organizers and activists, Raul is the kind and warm-hearted social change elder that every young person has longed for and his ‘manual for integral change’ is one of the most significant guides for building the Movement of movements that is being called for in our time.”

    Joshua Gorman, Founder & Co-Coordinator, Generation Waking Up